Saturday, May 21, 2011

Who Paid for This Trout?

My son, Sam and I recently enjoyed an entire week camping, fishing and hiking in the North GA mountains. The primary reason was to do some serious trout fishing, and that we did.

We brought back enough fish for several good meals. Most of the trout we caught were stocked fish from nearby hatcheries managed by the GA department of natural resources, a government agency. I'm not fond of big government, but the GA DNR is totally funded by hunters, fishermen, boaters, etc. who pay license fees to the state for managing these activities. I pay a tax to boat, hunt and fish.

I agree with this tax. I agree with it because if you don't hunt, fish, boat, etc. you don't pay the tax. I agree with it because as far as I can see, the GA DNR is a well run agency that is funded only by people like me who want to participate in these specific activities.

Over the years I have had my license checked several times by state rangers. They are always polite, courteous and respectful. They are also a great resource for information. You see, they are people too, and for the most part don't hide behind their bureaucratic authority. I have learned from them many great places to fish and I'm mostly concerned with getting away from the crowds. They know where to go and how to get there...and the license fees I pay for the privilege (positive right) to fish and the information I glean from the rangers and the GA DNR website is worth every penny of the tax it costs me...and not you.

Live free or die!

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